Reference assignments
Turn-around project
From a “doomed” problem child to a focused and highly profitable export business.
Boost exports
Planned and executed export drive for a newly started division. Started sales company and recruited agents in Europe, USA and Far East.
Strategy and business development
Acted as advisor on vitalising minor, traditional commodity companies. Started and managed new business area based on purchase of American license. Acted as a coach to elaborate strategies and business plans. Prepared presentations for financing via venture capital companies.
Identified suitable candidates for purchase. Implemented acquisitions directly from owners and via merchant bank.
License agreements with pharmaceutical industries. Negotiated and concluded agreements with a highly qualified academic group in biotechnology. Concluded agreements with strategic raw material supplier in South America.
Development of new technology
Worked out strategy for introducing new products in USA and Western Europe. Commercialised patents via licenses and own product development.
Market and industry analyses
Marine by-products in an international perspective. Various expert reports.